NeurIPS (Spotlight) Stella Biderman NeurIPS (Spotlight) Stella Biderman

Reconstructing the Mind's Eye: fMRI-to-Image with Contrastive Learning and Diffusion Priors

We present MindEye, a novel fMRI-to-image approach to retrieve and reconstruct viewed images from brain activity. Our model comprises two parallel submodules that are specialized for retrieval (using contrastive learning) and reconstruction (using a diffusion prior). MindEye can map fMRI brain activity to any high dimensional multimodal latent space, like CLIP image space, enabling image reconstruction using generative models that accept embeddings from this latent space. We comprehensively compare our approach with other existing methods, using both qualitative side-by-side comparisons and quantitative evaluations, and show that MindEye achieves state-of-the-art performance in both reconstruction and retrieval tasks. In particular, MindEye can retrieve the exact original image even among highly similar candidates indicating that its brain embeddings retain fine-grained image-specific information. This allows us to accurately retrieve images even from large-scale databases like LAION-5B. We demonstrate through ablations that MindEye's performance improvements over previous methods result from specialized submodules for retrieval and reconstruction, improved training techniques, and training models with orders of magnitude more parameters. Furthermore, we show that MindEye can better preserve low-level image features in the reconstructions by using img2img, with outputs from a separate autoencoder. All code is available on GitHub.

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arXiv Stella Biderman arXiv Stella Biderman

RoentGen: Vision-Language Foundation Model for Chest X-ray Generation

Pierre Chambon, Christian Bluethgen, Jean-Benoit Delbrouck, Rogier Van der Sluijs, Małgorzata Połacin, Juan Manuel Zambrano Chaves, Tanishq Mathew Abraham, Shivanshu Purohit, Curtis P. Langlotz, Akshay Chaudhari. "RoentGen: Vision-Language Foundation Model for Chest X-ray Generation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.12737 (2022)

Multimodal models trained on large natural image-text pair datasets have exhibited astounding abilities in generating high-quality images. Medical imaging data is fundamentally different to natural images, and the language used to succinctly capture relevant details in medical data uses a different, narrow but semantically rich, domain-specific vocabulary. Not surprisingly, multi-modal models trained on natural image-text pairs do not tend to generalize well to the medical domain. Developing generative imaging models faithfully representing medical concepts while providing compositional diversity could mitigate the existing paucity of high-quality, annotated medical imaging datasets. In this work, we develop a strategy to overcome the large natural-medical distributional shift by adapting a pre-trained latent diffusion model on a corpus of publicly available chest x-rays (CXR) and their corresponding radiology (text) reports. We investigate the model's ability to generate high-fidelity, diverse synthetic CXR conditioned on text prompts. We assess the model outputs quantitatively using image quality metrics, and evaluate image quality and text-image alignment by human domain experts. We present evidence that the resulting model (RoentGen) is able to create visually convincing, diverse synthetic CXR images, and that the output can be controlled to a new extent by using free-form text prompts including radiology-specific language. Fine-tuning this model on a fixed training set and using it as a data augmentation method, we measure a 5% improvement of a classifier trained jointly on synthetic and real images, and a 3% improvement when trained on a larger but purely synthetic training set. Finally, we observe that this fine-tuning distills in-domain knowledge in the text-encoder and can improve its representation capabilities of certain diseases like pneumothorax by 25%.

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bioXriv Stella Biderman bioXriv Stella Biderman

OpenFold: Retraining AlphaFold2 yields new insights into its learning mechanisms and capacity for generalization

Gustaf Ahdritz, Nazim Bouatta, et al. (incl. Stella Biderman). "OpenFold: Retraining AlphaFold2 yields new insights into its learning mechanisms and capacity for generalization." bioRxiv 2022.11.20.517210, 2022

AlphaFold2 revolutionized structural biology with the ability to predict protein structures with exceptionally high accuracy. Its implementation, however, lacks the code and data required to train new models. These are necessary to (i) tackle new tasks, like protein-ligand complex structure prediction, (ii) investigate the process by which the model learns, which remains poorly understood, and (iii) assess the model’s generalization capacity to unseen regions of fold space. Here we report OpenFold, a fast, memory-efficient, and trainable implementation of AlphaFold2, and OpenProteinSet, the largest public database of protein multiple sequence alignments. We use OpenProteinSet to train OpenFold from scratch, fully matching the accuracy of AlphaFold2. Having established parity, we assess OpenFold’s capacity to generalize across fold space by retraining it using carefully designed datasets. We find that OpenFold is remarkably robust at generalizing despite extreme reductions in training set size and diversity, including near-complete elisions of classes of secondary structure elements. By analyzing intermediate structures produced by OpenFold during training, we also gain surprising insights into the manner in which the model learns to fold proteins, discovering that spatial dimensions are learned sequentially. Taken together, our studies demonstrate the power and utility of OpenFold, which we believe will prove to be a crucial new resource for the protein modeling community.

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NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks Stella Biderman NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks Stella Biderman

BigBIO: A Framework for Data-Centric Biomedical Natural Language Processing

Fries, Weber, Seelam, et al. (incl. Biderman). "BigBIO: A Framework for Data-Centric Biomedical Natural Language Processing." In the Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track, 2022.

Training and evaluating language models increasingly requires the construction of meta-datasets --diverse collections of curated data with clear provenance. Natural language prompting has recently lead to improved zero-shot generalization by transforming existing, supervised datasets into a diversity of novel pretraining tasks, highlighting the benefits of meta-dataset curation. While successful in general-domain text, translating these data-centric approaches to biomedical language modeling remains challenging, as labeled biomedical datasets are significantly underrepresented in popular data hubs. To address this challenge, we introduce BigBIO a community library of 126+ biomedical NLP datasets, currently covering 12 task categories and 10+ languages. BigBIO facilitates reproducible meta-dataset curation via programmatic access to datasets and their metadata, and is compatible with current platforms for prompt engineering and end-to-end few/zero shot language model evaluation. We discuss our process for task schema harmonization, data auditing, contribution guidelines, and outline two illustrative use cases: zero-shot evaluation of biomedical prompts and large-scale, multi-task learning. BigBIO is an ongoing community effort and is available at this URL.

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Journal of Computational Chemistry Stella Biderman Journal of Computational Chemistry Stella Biderman

MP-NeRF: A Massively Parallel Method for Accelerating Protein Structure Reconstruction from Internal Coordinates

Eric Alcaide, Stella Biderman, Amalio Telenti, and M. Cyrus Maher. “MP-NeRF: A Massively Parallel Method for Accelerating Protein Structure Reconstruction from Internal Coordinates.” Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2021.

The conversion of proteins between internal and cartesian coordinates is a limiting step in many pipelines, such as molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning models. This conversion is typically carried out by sequential or parallel applications of the Natural extension of Reference Frame (NeRF) algorithm. This work proposes a massively parallel NeRF implementation which, depending on the polymer length, achieves speedups between 400 and 1200× over the previous state-of-the-art. It accomplishes this by dividing the conversion into three main phases: parallel composition of the monomer backbone, assembly of backbone subunits, and parallel elongation of sidechains; and by batching these computations into a minimal number of efficient matrix operations. Special emphasis is placed on reusability and ease of use. We open source the code (available at and provide a corresponding python package.

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