arXiv Stella Biderman arXiv Stella Biderman

Suppressing Pink Elephants with Direct Principle Feedback

Existing methods for controlling language models, such as RLHF and Constitutional AI, involve determining which LLM behaviors are desirable and training them into a language model. However, in many cases, it is desirable for LLMs to be controllable at inference time, so that they can be used in multiple contexts with diverse needs. We illustrate this with the Pink Elephant Problem: instructing an LLM to avoid discussing a certain entity (a ``Pink Elephant''), and instead discuss a preferred entity (``Grey Elephant''). We apply a novel simplification of Constitutional AI, Direct Principle Feedback, which skips the ranking of responses and uses DPO directly on critiques and revisions. Our results show that after DPF fine-tuning on our synthetic Pink Elephants dataset, our 13B fine-tuned LLaMA 2 model significantly outperforms Llama-2-13B-Chat and a prompted baseline, and performs as well as GPT-4 in on our curated test set assessing the Pink Elephant Problem.

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arXiv Stella Biderman arXiv Stella Biderman

Neural networks learn moments of increasing order

The distributional simplicity bias (DSB) posits that neural networks learn low-order moments of the data distribution first, before moving on to higher-order correlations. In this work, we present compelling new evidence for the DSB by showing that networks automatically learn to perform well on maximum-entropy distributions whose low-order statistics match those of the training set early in training, then lose this ability later. We also extend the DSB to discrete domains by proving an equivalence between token n-gram frequencies and the moments of embedding vectors, and by finding empirical evidence for the bias in LLMs. Finally we use optimal transport methods to surgically edit the low-order statistics of one class to match those of another, and show that early-training networks treat the edited samples as if they were drawn from the target class. Code is available at this https URL.

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Sparse Autoencoders Find Highly Interpretable Features in Language Models

One of the roadblocks to a better understanding of neural networks' internals is \textit{polysemanticity}, where neurons appear to activate in multiple, semantically distinct contexts. Polysemanticity prevents us from identifying concise, human-understandable explanations for what neural networks are doing internally. One hypothesised cause of polysemanticity is superposition, where neural networks represent more features than they have neurons by assigning features to an overcomplete set of directions in activation space, rather than to individual neurons. Here, we attempt to identify those directions, using sparse autoencoders to reconstruct the internal activations of a language model. These autoencoders learn sets of sparsely activating features that are more interpretable and monosemantic than directions identified by alternative approaches, where interpretability is measured by automated methods. Moreover, we show that with our learned set of features, we can pinpoint the features that are causally responsible for counterfactual behaviour on the indirect object identification task (Wang et al., 2022) to a finer degree than previous decompositions. This work indicates that it is possible to resolve superposition in language models using a scalable, unsupervised method. Our method may serve as a foundation for future mechanistic interpretability work, which we hope will enable greater model transparency and steerability.

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ICLR Stella Biderman ICLR Stella Biderman

Quality-Diversity through AI Feedback

In many text-generation problems, users may prefer not only a single response, but a diverse range of high-quality outputs from which to choose. Quality-diversity (QD) search algorithms aim at such outcomes, by continually improving and diversifying a population of candidates. However, the applicability of QD to qualitative domains, like creative writing, has been limited by the difficulty of algorithmically specifying measures of quality and diversity. Interestingly, recent developments in language models (LMs) have enabled guiding search through AI feedback, wherein LMs are prompted in natural language to evaluate qualitative aspects of text. Leveraging this development, we introduce Quality-Diversity through AI Feedback (QDAIF), wherein an evolutionary algorithm applies LMs to both generate variation and evaluate the quality and diversity of candidate text. When assessed on creative writing domains, QDAIF covers more of a specified search space with high-quality samples than do non-QD controls. Further, human evaluation of QDAIF-generated creative texts validates reasonable agreement between AI and human evaluation. Our results thus highlight the potential of AI feedback to guide open-ended search for creative and original solutions, providing a recipe that seemingly generalizes to many domains and modalities. In this way, QDAIF is a step towards AI systems that can independently search, diversify, evaluate, and improve, which are among the core skills underlying human society's capacity for innovation.

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ICLR Stella Biderman ICLR Stella Biderman

ReLoRA: High-Rank Training Through Low-Rank Updates

Despite the dominance and effectiveness of scaling, resulting in large networks with hundreds of billions of parameters, the necessity to train overparameterized models remains poorly understood, while training costs grow exponentially. In this paper, we explore parameter-efficient training techniques as an approach to training large neural networks. We introduce a novel method called ReLoRA, which utilizes low-rank updates to train high-rank networks. We apply ReLoRA to training transformer language models with up to 1.3B parameters and demonstrate comparable performance to regular neural network training. ReLoRA saves up to 5.5Gb of RAM per GPU and improves training speed by 9-40% depending on the model size and hardware setup. Our findings show the potential of parameter-efficient techniques for large-scale pre-training.

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NeurIPS Workshop (Backdoors in DL) Stella Biderman NeurIPS Workshop (Backdoors in DL) Stella Biderman

Detecting Backdoors with Meta-Models

It is widely known that it is possible to implant backdoors into neural networks, by which an attacker can choose an input to produce a particular undesirable output (e.g. misclassify an image). We propose to use meta-models, neural networks that take another network's parameters as input, to detect backdoors directly from model weights. To this end we present a meta-model architecture and train it on a dataset of ~4000 clean and backdoored CNNs trained on CIFAR-10. Our approach is simple and scalable, and is able to detect the presence of a backdoor with accuracy when the test trigger pattern is i.i.d., with some success even on out-of-distribution backdoors.

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Eliciting Language Model Behaviors using Reverse Language Models

Despite advances in fine-tuning methods, language models (LMs) continue to output toxic and harmful responses on worst-case inputs, including adversarial attacks and jailbreaks. We train an LM on tokens in reverse order---a reverse LM---as a tool for identifying such worst-case inputs. By prompting a reverse LM with a problematic string, we can sample prefixes that are likely to precede the problematic suffix. We test our reverse LM by using it to guide beam search for prefixes that have high probability of generating toxic statements when input to a forwards LM. Our 160m parameter reverse LM outperforms the existing state-of-the-art adversarial attack method, GCG, when measuring the probability of toxic continuations from the Pythia-160m LM. We also find that the prefixes generated by our reverse LM for the Pythia model are more likely to transfer to other models, eliciting toxic responses also from Llama 2 when compared to GCG-generated attacks.

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NeurIPS Workshop (SoLaR) Stella Biderman NeurIPS Workshop (SoLaR) Stella Biderman

Eliciting Language Model Behaviors using Reverse Language Models

Despite advances in fine-tuning methods, language models (LMs) continue to output toxic and harmful responses on worst-case inputs, including adversarial attacks and jailbreaks. We train an LM on tokens in reverse order---a reverse LM---as a tool for identifying such worst-case inputs. By prompting a reverse LM with a problematic string, we can sample prefixes that are likely to precede the problematic suffix. We test our reverse LM by using it to guide beam search for prefixes that have high probability of generating toxic statements when input to a forwards LM. Our 160m parameter reverse LM outperforms the existing state-of-the-art adversarial attack method, GCG, when measuring the probability of toxic continuations from the Pythia-160m LM. We also find that the prefixes generated by our reverse LM for the Pythia model are more likely to transfer to other models, eliciting toxic responses also from Llama 2 when compared to GCG-generated attacks.

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NeurIPS Workshop (Math-AI) Stella Biderman NeurIPS Workshop (Math-AI) Stella Biderman

Llemma: An Open Language Model For Mathematics

We present Llemma, a large language model for mathematics. We continue pretraining Code Llama on the Proof-Pile-2, a mixture of scientific papers, web data containing mathematics, and mathematical code, yielding Llemma. On the MATH benchmark Llemma outperforms all known open base models, as well as the unreleased Minerva model suite on an equi-parameter basis. Moreover, Llemma is capable of tool use and formal theorem proving without any further finetuning. We openly release all artifacts, including 7 billion and 34 billion parameter models, the Proof-Pile-2, and code to replicate our experiments.

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NeurIPS Workshop (Math-AI) Stella Biderman NeurIPS Workshop (Math-AI) Stella Biderman

OpenWebMath: An Open Dataset of High-Quality Mathematical Web Text

There is growing evidence that pretraining on high quality, carefully thought-out tokens such as code or mathematics plays an important role in improving the reasoning abilities of large language models. For example, Minerva, a PaLM model finetuned on billions of tokens of mathematical documents from arXiv and the web, reported dramatically improved performance on problems that require quantitative reasoning. However, because all known open source web datasets employ preprocessing that does not faithfully preserve mathematical notation, the benefits of large scale training on quantitive web documents are unavailable to the research community. We introduce OpenWebMath, an open dataset inspired by these works containing 14.7B tokens of mathematical webpages from Common Crawl. We describe in detail our method for extracting text and LaTeX content and removing boilerplate from HTML documents, as well as our methods for quality filtering and deduplication. Additionally, we run small-scale experiments by training 1.4B parameter language models on OpenWebMath, showing that models trained on 14.7B tokens of our dataset surpass the performance of models trained on over 20x the amount of general language data. We hope that our dataset, openly released on the Hugging Face Hub, will help spur advances in the reasoning abilities of large language models.

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NeurIPS Stella Biderman NeurIPS Stella Biderman

Emergent and Predictable Memorization in Large Language Models

Memorization, or the tendency of large language models (LLMs) to output entire sequences from their training data verbatim, is a key concern for safely deploying language models. In particular, it is vital to minimize a model's memorization of sensitive datapoints such as those containing personal identifiable information (PII). The prevalence of such undesirable memorization can pose issues for model trainers, and may even require discarding an otherwise functional model. We therefore seek to predict which sequences will be memorized before a large model's full train-time by extrapolating the memorization behavior of lower-compute trial runs. We measure memorization of the Pythia model suite, and find that intermediate checkpoints are better predictors of a model's memorization behavior than smaller fully-trained models. We additionally provide further novel discoveries on the distribution of memorization scores across models and data.

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NeurIPS Stella Biderman NeurIPS Stella Biderman

LEACE: Perfect linear concept erasure in closed form

Concept erasure aims to remove specified features from a neural representation. It can be used to improve fairness (e.g. preventing a model from using gender or race) and interpretability (e.g. removing a concept to observe changes in model behavior). In this paper, we introduce LEAst-squares Concept Erasure (LEACE), a fast closed-form method which provably prevents all linear classifiers from detecting a concept while inflicting the least possible damage to the representation. We apply LEACE to large language models with a novel procedure called “concept scrubbing,” which erases information about the target concept from every hidden layer in the network. We demonstrate the usefulness of our method on two tasks: measuring the extent to which language models rely on part-of-speech information, and reducing gender bias in BERT embeddings.

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NeurIPS Stella Biderman NeurIPS Stella Biderman

The Goldilocks of Pragmatic Understanding: Fine-Tuning Strategy Matters for Implicature Resolution by LLMs

Laura Ruis, Akbir Khan, Stella Biderman, Sara Hooker, Tim Rocktäschel, and Edward Grefenstette. "Large language models are not zero-shot communicators." arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.14986, 2022.

Despite widespread use of LLMs as conversational agents, evaluations of performance fail to capture a crucial aspect of communication: interpreting language in context---incorporating its pragmatics. Humans interpret language using beliefs and prior knowledge about the world. For example, we intuitively understand the response "I wore gloves" to the question "Did you leave fingerprints?" as meaning "No". To investigate whether LLMs have the ability to make this type of inference, known as an implicature, we design a simple task and evaluate four categories of widely used state-of-the-art models. We find that, despite only evaluating on utterances that require a binary inference (yes or no), models in three of these categories perform close to random. However, LLMs instruction-tuned at the example-level perform significantly better. These results suggest that certain fine-tuning strategies are far better at inducing pragmatic understanding in models. We present our findings as the starting point for further research into evaluating how LLMs interpret language in context and to drive the development of more pragmatic and useful models of human discourse.

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NeurIPS (Spotlight) Stella Biderman NeurIPS (Spotlight) Stella Biderman

Reconstructing the Mind's Eye: fMRI-to-Image with Contrastive Learning and Diffusion Priors

We present MindEye, a novel fMRI-to-image approach to retrieve and reconstruct viewed images from brain activity. Our model comprises two parallel submodules that are specialized for retrieval (using contrastive learning) and reconstruction (using a diffusion prior). MindEye can map fMRI brain activity to any high dimensional multimodal latent space, like CLIP image space, enabling image reconstruction using generative models that accept embeddings from this latent space. We comprehensively compare our approach with other existing methods, using both qualitative side-by-side comparisons and quantitative evaluations, and show that MindEye achieves state-of-the-art performance in both reconstruction and retrieval tasks. In particular, MindEye can retrieve the exact original image even among highly similar candidates indicating that its brain embeddings retain fine-grained image-specific information. This allows us to accurately retrieve images even from large-scale databases like LAION-5B. We demonstrate through ablations that MindEye's performance improvements over previous methods result from specialized submodules for retrieval and reconstruction, improved training techniques, and training models with orders of magnitude more parameters. Furthermore, we show that MindEye can better preserve low-level image features in the reconstructions by using img2img, with outputs from a separate autoencoder. All code is available on GitHub.

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ICML Workshop Stella Biderman ICML Workshop Stella Biderman

Do LLMs selectively encode the goal of an agent's reach?

In this work, we investigate whether large language models (LLMs) exhibit one of the earliest Theory of Mind-like behaviors: selectively encoding the goal object of an actor's reach (Woodward, 1998). We prompt state-of-the-art LLMs with ambiguous examples that can be explained both by an object or a location being the goal of an actor's reach, and evaluate the model's bias. We compare the magnitude of the bias in three situations: i) an agent is acting purposefully, ii) an inanimate object is acted upon, and iii) an agent is acting accidentally. We find that two models show a selective bias for agents acting purposefully, but are biased differently than humans. Additionally, the encoding is not robust to semantically equivalent prompt variations. We discuss how this bias compares to the bias infants show and provide a cautionary tale of evaluating machine Theory of Mind (ToM). We release our dataset and code.

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EMNLP Stella Biderman EMNLP Stella Biderman

trlX: A Framework for Large Scale Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) utilizes human feedback to better align large language models with human preferences via online optimization against a learned reward model. Current RLHF paradigms rely on Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), which quickly becomes a challenge to implement and scale up to large architectures. To address this difficulty we present the trlX library as a feature-complete open-source framework for RLHF fine-tuning of models up to and exceeding 70 billion parameters. We implement support for multiple types of distributed training including distributed data parallel, model sharded, as well as tensor, sequential, and pipeline parallelism.

To increase the accessibility of RLHF to researchers, we implement compute- and memory-saving features that give trlX the flexibility to support users with a wide range of compute resources. This includes offline RL methods like Implicit Language Q Learning (ILQL), low-rank adapters, and the Hydra architecture. We find offline fine-tuning offers competitive performance relative to online algorithms while being easier to implement, train, and scale. To evaluate our framework we train RLHF models on two separate well-known tasks using publicly available human preference data. Models trained with trlX achieve preference win-rates over baselines at rates comparable to the original works.

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) utilizes human feedback to better align large language models with human preferences via online optimization against a learned reward model. Current RLHF paradigms rely on Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), which quickly becomes a challenge to implement and scale up to large architectures. To address this difficulty we present the trlX library as a feature-complete open-source framework for RLHF fine-tuning of models up to and exceeding 70 billion parameters. We implement support for multiple types of distributed training including distributed data parallel, model sharded, as well as tensor, sequential, and pipeline parallelism.

To increase the accessibility of RLHF to researchers, we implement compute- and memory-saving features that give trlX the flexibility to support users with a wide range of compute resources. This includes offline RL methods like Implicit Language Q Learning (ILQL), low-rank adapters, and the Hydra architecture. We find offline fine-tuning offers competitive performance relative to online algorithms while being easier to implement, train, and scale. To evaluate our framework we train RLHF models on two separate well-known tasks using publicly available human preference data. Models trained with trlX achieve preference win-rates over baselines at rates comparable to the original works.

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EMNLP (Findings) Stella Biderman EMNLP (Findings) Stella Biderman

RWKV: Reinventing RNNs for the Transformer Era

Transformers have revolutionized almost all natural language processing (NLP) tasks but suffer from memory and computational complexity that scales quadratically with sequence length. In contrast, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) exhibit linear scaling in memory and computational requirements but struggle to match the same performance as Transformers due to limitations in parallelization and scalability. We propose a novel model architecture, Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV), that combines the efficient parallelizable training of Transformers with the efficient inference of RNNs. Our approach leverages a linear attention mechanism and allows us to formulate the model as either a Transformer or an RNN, which parallelizes computations during training and maintains constant computational and memory complexity during inference, leading to the first non-transformer architecture to be scaled to tens of billions of parameters. Our experiments reveal that RWKV performs on par with similarly sized Transformers, suggesting that future work can leverage this architecture to create more efficient models. This work presents a significant step towards reconciling the trade-offs between computational efficiency and model performance in sequence processing tasks.

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arXiv Stella Biderman arXiv Stella Biderman

Linear Representations of Sentiment in Large Language Models

Sentiment is a pervasive feature in natural language text, yet it is an open question how sentiment is represented within Large Language Models (LLMs). In this study, we reveal that across a range of models, sentiment is represented linearly: a single direction in activation space mostly captures the feature across a range of tasks with one extreme for positive and the other for negative. Through causal interventions, we isolate this direction and show it is causally relevant in both toy tasks and real world datasets such as Stanford Sentiment Treebank. Through this case study we model a thorough investigation of what a single direction means on a broad data distribution.

We further uncover the mechanisms that involve this direction, highlighting the roles of a small subset of attention heads and neurons. Finally, we discover a phenomenon which we term the summarization motif: sentiment is not solely represented on emotionally charged words, but is additionally summarized at intermediate positions without inherent sentiment, such as punctuation and names. We show that in Stanford Sentiment Treebank zero-shot classification, 76% of above-chance classification accuracy is lost when ablating the sentiment direction, nearly half of which (36%) is due to ablating the summarized sentiment direction exclusively at comma positions.

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Stella Biderman Stella Biderman

Representation Engineering: A Top-Down Approach to AI Transparency

In this paper, we identify and characterize the emerging area of representation engineering (RepE), an approach to enhancing the transparency of AI systems that draws on insights from cognitive neuroscience. RepE places population-level representations, rather than neurons or circuits, at the center of analysis, equipping us with novel methods for monitoring and manipulating high-level cognitive phenomena in deep neural networks (DNNs). We provide baselines and an initial analysis of RepE techniques, showing that they offer simple yet effective solutions for improving our understanding and control of large language models. We showcase how these methods can provide traction on a wide range of safety-relevant problems, including honesty, harmlessness, power-seeking, and more, demonstrating the promise of top-down transparency research. We hope that this work catalyzes further exploration of RepE and fosters advancements in the transparency and safety of AI systems.

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arXiv Stella Biderman arXiv Stella Biderman

YaRN: Efficient Context Window Extension of Large Language Models

Rotary Position Embeddings (RoPE) have been shown to effectively encode positional information in transformer-based language models. However, these models fail to generalize past the sequence length they were trained on. We present YaRN (Yet another RoPE extensioN method), a compute-efficient method to extend the context window of such models, requiring 10x less tokens and 2.5x less training steps than previous methods. Using YaRN, we show that LLaMA models can effectively utilize and extrapolate to context lengths much longer than their original pre-training would allow, while also surpassing previous the state-of-the-art at context window extension. In addition, we demonstrate that YaRN exhibits the capability to extrapolate beyond the limited context of a fine-tuning dataset. We publish the checkpoints of Llama 2 7B/13B fine-tuned using YaRN with 64k and 128k context windows at this https URL

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