Naomi Saphra
community-spotlight Stella Biderman community-spotlight Stella Biderman

Naomi Saphra

We have two choices as a society. The first is to accept that one company will eventually emerge dominant with a monopoly on the models that shape our world. The other is to commit to public open source models.

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Mohammad Aflah Khan
community-spotlight Stella Biderman community-spotlight Stella Biderman

Mohammad Aflah Khan

So, my journey with EAI all began when I was wrapped up in another research project. I stumbled upon a tweet announcing the launch of the Pythia models… and you know what? The vibe in the server was pretty darn cool. I mean, I saw all these big-shot folks whose research papers I'd totally geeked out over, just hanging out. So, naturally, I decided, why not chip in on some other projects too, right?

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